Saving for retirement during the apocalypse

Saving for retirement. Why?

More and more I see young people joking about why should we save for retirement when it looks more and more likely every day that the world will be a hellscape by the time we are of retirement age. And I get it and think this way quite often. I also think about the possibility that I don't live to retirement age because of unfortunate familial pattens of terminal illness that have taken people from my family at somewhat young ages. So whether you are sure you will die of illness or climate change- why should you save for retirement when your only certainty is today?

Why still save during chaos and catastrophe

I think there are a few reasons why you should still save for retirement now:

  1. You really don't know what the future holds, but living til 65 is a very real possibility, and if you do get there won't you be pissed that you're broke with no money cause your younger self was sure they wouldn't live til 65. And tbh isn't retirement supposed to be a time to relax and not worry about money? At least that is what I would like.

  2. Save so that you can retire early because reaching retirement age isn't certain so why not give yourself even more of a chance to retire by aiming to retire at 60 or 50 or whatever your goal is! This is my goal. Not only because of the climate apocalypse and health concerns, but because I want to know that I can enjoy a retirement when I still am relatively young and active. So many people wait to do things when they retire and by that time they don't have the energy to do so- so why not aim to retire at a younger age?

  3. Even if you don't reach retirement, is leaving some money behind really that bad? I would hope that you are living a happy enough life while working and saving that you don't have so many regrets about saving some money and leaving some behind for family or charity. This may be morbid- but i think that in the even that you pass away, your family wouldn't mind some money so they could celebrate your life and live a little more comfortably after you. This of course depends on a will of some sort- so get that figure out of course.

  4. This may be the most pessimistic one- but lets say we do have a real apocalypse- would having some savings hurt? Maybe it will mean you can bargain for some more food or use your gold for a gun. Or maybe money will mean nothing. Once again, hopefully your life has been happy or satisfying enough that your saving money won't leave your with regrets.

Maybe I am wrong

So there are my four reasons to save for retirement despite a looming (or not if we are optimistic?) climate apocalypse where we all perish. I am sure some of you may disagree or you have other reasons. For me- I think saving is just part of who I am because if I don't- I will feel anxious.


Don't forget that the apocalypse is quite possible so you really do only have today guaranteed. Spend your money on things that bring you joy and contentment.


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